Wednesday, June 1, 2011

The new kid on the blog...

Well, I joined a new group yesterday and you can find my link to it on my left sidebar. The group is known as This group promises to publish each week a collection of the best blogs for the week so it should make for good reading. I am already fascinated by some of the stories from all round the world and only hope that I can participate too from time to time on their site.
I've been online for a number of years but still find some methods of connection via computer a little confusing, so, if I have this incorrect please forgive me.

Otherwise, all is good in the world of baby border collies and the families they rule over.
Stuart has survived yet another week with this haphazard family and boy has he grown.
He received his second vaccination on Monday and was more interested in the treat the delightful vet nurse had in her hand than the actual injection, so I can safely presume that 'brave little man' is another title he can safely adopt.
Yesterday out the back I watched as he played with an empty soft drink bottle he was trying to round up. He had such a look of observance it astonished me. Like all puppies, he has moments of sheer silliness and it's then when he thinks he can nip at anything that comes within coo-ee of him (playfully of course). Its a bit of a battle to try and stop him from using his teeth as they are razor sharp. He has not hurt me yet, but he's nipped the father of the house a couple of times with resultant manly growls from the man and the clever little boy knows when to run and hide already!
I just love the yelps of delight though when I've been away from home and return to him. He loves me to rub his ears and under his chin like all good puppies do. He's not so sure about baths though...he will tolerate the shampoo bit and all that, but come the hairdryer and he becomes panic stricken. Even birds flying over can cause him to want to hide, not to mention helicopters and planes. It must be that acute hearing that dogs seem to have. Thank goodness there are no fireworks around right now!
We start Puppy School next Tuesday...that should be a riot. These 'classes' run for three weeks and are all about socialising with other pups of similar ages, learning basic commands...some of which he already does, and (hopefully) an insight into toilet training.
I shall keep you posted re the further adventures of Stuart as they evolve.
I hope you enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. Gosh he's growing Jen! I see you've managed to get the photo's bigger, now we have to change your template so that Stuart doesn't have to sit on top of a list :o)
    I'm off to check out your new blog link...


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