Saturday, April 16, 2011

Just another Saturday

Went to a boxing gym this morning with opposed to Mezza. Murray has being going to Boxing Fit for some time now, as well as running distances every week and he has finally coerced me into gyming with him to try and lose this extra poundage I seem to have gained with my age. It was actually a fun time...hard work and plenty of sweat (thank heavens for deodorant) but fun all the same. I've found though I develop a left sided weakness by the end of the session...too many years of not enough use perhaps. Hopefully this work with weights and pretending to be Lionel Rose for a bit will exclude that, as well as the tyre around the middle. Life is enjoyable, even when doing rounds at a gym. I am one of the fortunate ones who can still do this at my age of 57. There are a number of friends, colleagues and family who are beset with illness these days and cannot contemplate strenuous exercise so I count my blessings! I just need to develop motivation and STOP EATING!!!

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